How much for a 1 minute video? How much to photograph products?

Well, that's a loaded question. Pricing is relative to each individual project due to a wide variety of factors.

Here are a few things to consider when seeking a quotation:

What is the purpose of your video?
Is it a company overview? Training video? Social media content? Each video needs to be executed in a different manner. A company overview might require a lot of interviews. A product demo might require motion graphics. These factors go into crafting a budget that meets your needs. It’s like telling a car dealer that you want an SUV, and not a sedan.
What are you shooting?
Are you shooting interviews? Talent reading a teleprompter? A clear understanding as to how you want to execute your video provides an idea as to how much content needs to be shot, how many days we need to film, etc.
How do you want to be perceived?
This is probably the biggest element that affects the bottom line. First, you need a well thought out and executed story. But almost as importantly, you need it to look good and feel right. What does that mean? Hiring the best Talent goes a long way towards making a script feel believable. Using the right camera can make an otherwise bland room feel perfect.
Is there a pre-determined length?
If we’re creating a 3-minute corporate overview video, we probably don’t need 30 interviews over a 5 day period. The video should be the length that feels right to the audience. If it’s 10 minutes and keeps your audience engaged, then why shorten it?
How will your materials be distributed?
Is your video for the web only? Are the photos are for print on brochures or banners? We can provide you with suggestions that will get the most value out of your investment. If we spend the time to conduct interviews for a company overview video, why not develop a series of videos? Why not ask a few questions about recruiting? That way you have material for a future recruitment video.
Let's keep the dialogue open
We are often asked to blindly submit an estimate with no information besides “We want this to look good.” So we might include a high-end camera system and a full crew. These items serve a purpose, but may not serve your purpose. Allow the us an opportunity to quote  based on your expectations.

The difference between video seeding and web video ads:

In the world of video marketing, there are two popular ways of mass distribution: social video seeding and web video ads. Both of these techniques ultimately do the same thing – get traffic to your website or online store. However, the way they do it differs greatly. If you are thinking about adding video marketing to your overall marketing mix, then it’s important to know what you are getting into when you choose one of these methods.

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